Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Want to Eemember

I love the cute way kids say things when they can't pronounce all the letters. And I love the things kids say in general--"out of the mouth of babes." So I've always tried to write down the cute, sweet, honest things that my boys have said over the years (I'll have to gather them & post some older ones later) There are a few things from Truman that I want to remember. Since he can't say his r's yet, instead of saying it with a w sound or anything else, he just drops it off all together. So he says eemember, eewind, and my favorite, "I just want to eewax" (for relax--sometimes can't say his l's either). And he's been talking a lot lately about making things "deesplode" for explode. Ben & I love that one (but hope HE isn't the one making things deesplode). Anyway, so the other day I had a bad day & was not being patient or nice to the boys. Later that night I laid by Truman & apologized & said I loved him & I shouldn't yell. He said "So you broke your own rule?" Yes, I make mistakes & I'm trying to do better. Luckily kids are so forgiving. I asked if I could lay by him for a minute, and he said "Yah. Oh, I'll go get my extra pillow & you can use this blanket" And he got a pillow he kept under his bed for his stuffed animal "puppy." He is so sweet & thoughtful and it meant a lot to me to have him do that after I had been mean to him. You can learn so much from kids. I know we should all be more child-like & forgive so easily. Last night as we were getting ready for bed, Griffin said he was hungry. All day he said he wasn't hungry & wouldn't eat anything I gave him. I got upset & yelled at him. He said "You promised!" I said, "I didn't promise you anything!" He said "You promised you wouldn't yell at me." Me-"Oh. (slowing & calming down) you're right. I'm sorry." Many times I am the wild thing in our home, and I'm working on the "Be Still" command like Max said to the wild things. One of my favorite scriptures is "Be still, and know that I am God." (Psalms 46: 10, and Doctrine & Covenants 101:16). But sometimes I let life get too crazy, and get frustrated over things that don't matter. I'm working on many things, and I hope I can eemember what's important...I LOVE MY FAMILY & I need to be good to them. (Note: I drafted this post 2 weeks ago, June 10th, but as I was typing, my computer was being attacked by Spyware or a virus, & I had to shut it down. Ben got things ok on the computer again, and I just eemembered to come finish & post this :-)

At Griffin's 1st grade program. I love my boys!
(They don't always love getting their picture taken)

Truman & his cousins at a family BBQ at our house. I love kids being kids, making silly faces, having fun, and they had all been hiding under the pool & making eachother laugh. Seated: Tali & Tiari Puriri, Audrey & Dallin Webb, Eva Niderhauser, and Truman standing.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My First Blog Post on my very own Blog!

I created this blog over a year ago, but at the time we had dial-up internet. What was I thinking?! There's no way I could keep up on a blog with snail-like web speeds. So we finally got high-speed wireless, but at about the same time the MOVIE "Where the Wild Things Are" came out & didn't have the best response. So I didn't want to announce I had a blog with that title at that time. (I know, I'm kinda lame for even being worried about that). I originally titled my blog that because I loved the book growing up, & I live with some Wild Things of my own with 2 busy boys, a rambunctious dog, and a humorous husband. I also was just too busy, and lazy at the same time, to get this going. In the meantime I've been uploading photos to facebook now & then, which uses the same effort it would take to put them on a blog. Then my parents left on another mission in November, & they quit facebook at that time. So ever since then, I've wanted to do this so they can keep up on our lives like they do with my other blogging sisters. Also for our other family members who live far away. I have done a few posts on our Ward blog, so that's why I said this is my 1st post on my very own blog. It'll take me some time to make it as cute & clever as everyone else's out there, but for now, here goes...!!! (Here's a recent picture of my boys being a little more tame after church on Mother's day)