Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My First Blog Post on my very own Blog!

I created this blog over a year ago, but at the time we had dial-up internet. What was I thinking?! There's no way I could keep up on a blog with snail-like web speeds. So we finally got high-speed wireless, but at about the same time the MOVIE "Where the Wild Things Are" came out & didn't have the best response. So I didn't want to announce I had a blog with that title at that time. (I know, I'm kinda lame for even being worried about that). I originally titled my blog that because I loved the book growing up, & I live with some Wild Things of my own with 2 busy boys, a rambunctious dog, and a humorous husband. I also was just too busy, and lazy at the same time, to get this going. In the meantime I've been uploading photos to facebook now & then, which uses the same effort it would take to put them on a blog. Then my parents left on another mission in November, & they quit facebook at that time. So ever since then, I've wanted to do this so they can keep up on our lives like they do with my other blogging sisters. Also for our other family members who live far away. I have done a few posts on our Ward blog, so that's why I said this is my 1st post on my very own blog. It'll take me some time to make it as cute & clever as everyone else's out there, but for now, here goes...!!! (Here's a recent picture of my boys being a little more tame after church on Mother's day)